Dev Story/Gradle

[Gradle 도전기] 3. Tutorials

Dynatic 2014. 12. 25. 12:49

[Gradle UserGuide 도전기] 3. Tutorials

  3.1. Getting Started

그냥 입문자용 가이드 읽는 순서. 굳이 한 챕터를 이걸로 채울 필요가 있었을까 하는 의문이...

The following tutorials introduce some of the basics of Gradle, to help you get started.

Chapter 4, Installing Gradle

Describes how to install Gradle.

Chapter 6, Build Script Basics

Introduces the basic build script elements: projects and tasks.

Chapter 7, Java Quickstart

Shows how to start using Gradle's build-by-convention support for Java projects.

Chapter 8, Dependency Management Basics

Shows how to start using Gradle's dependency management.

Chapter 9, Groovy Quickstart

Using Gradle's build-by-convention support for Groovy projects.

Chapter 10, Web Application Quickstart

Using Gradle's build-by-convention support for Web applications.